Category Archives: scripts
Python Scripts
Fluent in batch mode os.system(r'”C:\Program Files\ANSYS Inc\v195\fluent\ntbin\win64/fluent.exe” 2d -g -t2 -i case4.jou’ ) In these examples, fluent is the command you type to execute ANSYS FLUENT interactively. -g indicates that the program is to be run minimized in the taskbar. -i journal reads the specified journal file. -wait is the command you type in a…
Ansys-Fluent Solutions
Exporting Particle History /file/export/p-h-d/cfdpost testingP (left-nostril-10mic) particle-diameter particle-velocity-mag () 5 When restarting a transient simulation, the error “Update_Time_Level: invalid data” occurs. Solution: In the journal file use: /solve/iterate 1 /solve/dual-time-iterate 100 20 They say this is some kind of strange error that comes when you use it in command line mode (with -g option) Change…
Convert a single cine file to sequentially numbered tiffs
Convert a single cine file to sequentially numbered tiffs ================================================================ credit: “” ================================================================ In Phantom cine viewer open the cine file, for example “Kia_cam1_run33.cine” Click on “Convert” button, in the lower right hand of the screen. Choose the type of tiff: 8 or 12 or 16 bit tiff (the second number after the comma is…
Using a batch file to automatically compress files of the same type or folders using 7-zip
Compressing files of the same type =============================== @echo off cd /d %~dp0 rem 7z.exe path set sevenzip= if “%sevenzip%”==”” if exist “%ProgramFiles(x86)%\7-zip\7z.exe” set sevenzip=%ProgramFiles(x86)%\7-zip\7z.exe if “%sevenzip%”==”” if exist “%ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe” set sevenzip=%ProgramFiles%\7-zip\7z.exe if “%sevenzip%”==”” echo 7-zip not found&pause&exit set extension=.xls for %%a in (*%extension%) do “%sevenzip%” a -mx “%%~na.7z” “%%a” pause Change the extension for the…
How-to-remove-partition-line-in-figures Pre-setup commands for saving images How to compile FLUENT 64-bit UDFs using Visual Studio Express 2010 and the 7.1 SDK Extracting data from Fluent Extract numerical values from Fluent xy-plot files using Matlab Looping through cfx .trn files and exporting figures and data Looping through cfx .trn files and exporting figures and data Script…
Tecplot Tips
Extract Images =========================== import os os.chdir(r’F:\images\planes-bend’) import glob flist=glob.glob(‘*planes.plt’) #flist = flist[0:5] # just for testing on 5 files and not all of them! import tecplot as tp from tecplot.exception import * from tecplot.constant import * # Uncomment the following line to connect to a running instance of Tecplot 360: tp.session.connect() #fname = ‘p0.01_b0.02_planes.plt’ #…