
Latest outputs

Inhalation Project

The inhalation project is a multi-disciplinary research project investigating health risk and injury caused by inhalation exposure. We combine computational modelling with experimental measurements to explore and better understand air-and-particle dynamics. Our outcomes translate the fundamental research to resolve practical particle inhalation issues.

Indoor Built Environment

Investigating indoor air and particle flow behaviour for improving energy efficiency, and thermal comfort in building designs and; inhalation exposure to contaminants. The ventilated air is typically accompanied by buoyancy forces due to temperature differences in the room. Any occupants inside a room introduces additional heat flux, while contaminants in the enclosed environment become prone to re-dispersion from any occupant movement.

Fluid-Particle Dynamics

We use laser imaging techniques such as PIV, LDA, and PDPA, combined with high speed filming to obtain detailed images of fluid-particle systems. For example high speed filming was used to capture a spray atomization to capture the averaged droplet diameters. We have also introduced a new visualisation technique to look at wake flows from moving objects. These results are used as basis for further detailed analysis using CFD techniques


2022 Quantum Victoria PrintACar Challenge

2022 Quantum Victoria PrintACar Challenge

ASOHNS 2021 Presentations

ASOHNS 2021 Presentations



Journal Publication Prints

  1. Chaugule, V., C. Wong, K. Inthavong, D. F. Fletcher, P. Young, J. Soria and D. Traini (2022). Combining experimental and computational techniques to understand and improve dry powder inhalers. Expert opinion on drug delivery. Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery. 1-15
  2. Inthavong, K., D. F. Fletcher, M. Khamooshi, S. Vahaji and H. Salati (2022). Wet surface wall model for latent heat exchange during evaporation. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 38(4): e3581.
  3. Khamooshi, M., D. F. Fletcher, H. Salati, S. Vahaji, S. Gregory and K. Inthavong (2022). Computational assessment of the nasal air conditioning and paranasal sinus ventilation from nasal assisted breathing therapy. Physics of Fluids 34(5): 051912.
  4. Salati, H., D. F. Fletcher, M. Khamooshi, J. Dong, K. Ito, S. Vahaji and K. Inthavong (2022). Exhaled Jet and Viral-Laden Aerosol Transport from Nasal Sneezing. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 22: 210338.
  5. Shrestha, K., J. Van Strien, Y. Shang, D. F. Fletcher, P. Petersen, S. Vreugde, P. J. Wormald, N. Singh and K. Inthavong (2022). Effect of breathing profiles on nebuliser drug delivery targeting the paranasal sinuses in a post-operative nasal cavity. Journal of Aerosol Science 161: 105913.
  6. Siu, J., J. Van Strien, R. Campbell, P. Roberts, M. D. Tingle, K. Inthavong and R. G. Douglas (2022). Comparison of Sinus Deposition from an Aqueous Nasal Spray and Pressurised MDI in a Post-Endoscopic Sinus Surgery Nasal Replica. Pharmaceutical Research 39(2): 317-327.
  7. Van Strien, J., P. Petersen, P. Lappas, L. Yeo, A. Rezk, S. Vahaji and K. Inthavong (2022). Spray characteristics from nasal spray atomization. Journal of Aerosol Science 165: 106009.
  8. Tjahjono, R.,  Salati, H., Inthavong K., Singh, N., (2022) Correlation of Nasal Mucosal Temperature and Nasal Patency—A Computational Fluid Dynamics Study. The Laryngoscope 00 1-8

  1. Calmet, H., K. Inthavong, A. Both, A. Surapaneni, D. Mira, B. Egukitza and G. Houzeaux (2021). Large eddy simulation of cough jet dynamics, droplet transport, and inhalability over a ten minute exposure. Physics of Fluids 33(12): 125122.
  2. Dong, J., J. Ma, L. Tian, K. Inthavong, K. Ito and J. Tu (2021). Numerical analysis of nanoparticle transport and deposition in a cynomolgus monkey nasal passage. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering 37(2): e3414.
  3. Fletcher, D. F. and K. Inthavong (2021). Comment on CFD modelling of air and particle flows in different airway models by YH Kim, ZB Tong, HK Chan, RY Yang, Journal of Aerosol Science, 134 (2019) 14–28(Kim et al., 2019). Journal of Aerosol Science: 105929.
  4. Ghalambaz, M., S. Mehryan, H. Shirivand, F. Shalbafi, O. Younis, K. Inthavong, G. Ahmadi and P. Talebizadehsardari (2021). Simulation of a Fast-Charging Porous Thermal Energy Storage System Saturated with a Nano-Enhanced Phase Change Material. Energies 14(6): 1575.
  5. Inthavong, K. (2021). Future Topics, Challenges. Clinical and Biomedical Engineering in the Human Nose, Springer: 293-299.
  6. Inthavong, K., Y. Shang, J. M. Del Gaudio, S. K. Wise, T. S. Edwards, K. Bradshaw, E. Wong, M. Smith and N. Singh (2021). Inhalation and deposition of spherical and pollen particles after middle turbinate resection in a human nasal cavity. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 294: 103769.
  7. Inthavong, K., E. Wong, J. Tu and N. Singh (2021). Clinical and Biomedical Engineering in the Human Nose. Clinical and Biomedical Engineering in the Human Nose, Springer, Singapore: 1-8.
  8. Jiang, D., C. Yang, Y. Fan, H.-M. P. Leung, K. Inthavong, Y. Zhang, Z. Li and M. Yang (2021). Ultra-sensitive photoelectrochemical aptamer biosensor for detecting E. coli O157: H7 based on nonmetallic plasmonic two-dimensional hydrated defective tungsten oxide nanosheets coupling with nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots (dWO3• H2O@ N-GQDs). Biosensors and Bioelectronics 183: 113214.
  9. Khoa, N. D., N. L. Phuong, K. Tani, K. Inthavong and K. Ito (2021). Computational fluid dynamics comparison of impaired breathing function in French bulldogs with nostril stenosis and an examination of the efficacy of rhinoplasty. Computers in Biology and Medicine 134: 104398.
  10. Koirala, R. and K. Inthavong (2021). Numerical study of flow and direct contact condensation of entrained vapor in water jet eductor. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow: 1-13.
  11. Koirala, R., Q. L. Ve, A. Date, K. Inthavong and A. Akbarzadeh (2021). Influence of inlet pressure and geometric variations on the applicability of Eductor in low temperature thermal desalinations. Journal of King Saud University-Engineering Sciences.
  12. Koirala, R., Q. L. Ve, B. Zhu, K. Inthavong and A. Date (2021). A review on process and practices in operation and design modification of ejectors. Fluids 6(11): 409.
  13. Salati, H., M. Khamooshi, S. Vahaji, F. C. Christo, D. F. Fletcher and K. Inthavong (2021). N95 respirator mask breathing leads to excessive carbon dioxide inhalation and reduced heat transfer in a human nasal cavity. Physics of Fluids 33(8): 081913.
  14. Senanayake, P., H. Salati, E. Wong, K. Bradshaw, Y. Shang, N. Singh and K. Inthavong (2021). The impact of nasal adhesions on airflow and mucosal cooling–A computational fluid dynamics analysis. Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 293: 103719.
  15. Shang, Y., K. Inthavong, D. Qiu, N. Singh, F. He and J. Tu (2021). Prediction of nasal spray drug absorption influenced by mucociliary clearance. PLoS One 16(1): e0246007.
  16. Shrestha, K., H. Salati, D. Fletcher, N. Singh and K. Inthavong (2021). Effects of head tilt on squeeze-bottle nasal irrigation–A computational fluid dynamics study. Journal of Biomechanics 123: 110490.
  17. Shrestha, K., E. Wong, H. Salati, D. F. Fletcher, N. Singh and K. Inthavong (2021). Liquid volume and squeeze force effects on nasal irrigation using Volume of Fluid modelling. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flow: 1-20.
  18. Singh, N. P. and K. Inthavong (2021). Can computational fluid dynamic models help us in the treatment of chronic rhinosinusitis. Current opinion in otolaryngology & head and neck surgery 29(1): 21-26.
  19. Siu, J., K. Inthavong, J. Dong, Y. Shang and R. G. Douglas (2021). Nasal air conditioning following total inferior turbinectomy compared to inferior turbinoplasty–A computational fluid dynamics study. Clinical Biomechanics 81: 105237.
  20. Tao, Y., K. Inthavong, P. Petersen, K. Mohanarangam, W. Yang and J. Tu (2021). Vortex structures and wake flow analysis from moving manikin models. Indoor and Built Environment 30(3): 347-362.
  21. Vahaji, S., N.-H. Nguyen, Y. Shang and K. Inthavong (2021). Sedimentation effects on particle position and inertial deposition in 90° circular bends. Powder Technology 393: 722-733.
  22. Vahaji, S., Y. Shang, Y. Zhang, E. Wong, A. Rezk, L. Yeo, S. Vreugde, P.-J. Wormald, N. Singh and K. Inthavong (2021). Optimising Aerosol Delivery for Maxillary Sinus Deposition in a Post-FESS Sinonasal Cavities. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 21: 210098.
  23. Van Strien, J., K. Shrestha, S. Gabriel, P. Lappas, D. F. Fletcher, N. Singh and K. Inthavong (2021). Pressure distribution and flow dynamics in a nasal airway using a scale resolving simulation. Physics of Fluids 33(1): 011907.
  24. Yousefi, M., M. Yousefi, H. Safikhani, K. Inthavong and K. Bamdad (2021). Study of the critical velocity of the tunnels using an analytical approach. Fire Safety Journal 123: 103372.

  1. Inthavong, K., (2020) From Indoor Exposure to Inhaled Particle Deposition: a multiphase journey of inhaled particles. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flows
  2. Inthavong, K., Das, P., Singh, N., Sznitman, J. (2020) In silico approaches to respiratory nasal flows: a review Journal of Biomechanics
  3. Inthavong, K., Shang, Y., Wong, E., Singh, N. (2020) Characterisation of nasal irrigation flow from a squeeze bottle using CFD. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology
  4. Sui, J., Dong, J., K., Inthavong, K., Shang, Y., Douglas, R. (2020) Quantification of airflow in the sinuses following functional endoscopic sinus surgery, Rhinology
  5. Sui, J., Shrestha, K., Inthavong, K., Shang, Y., Douglas, R. (2020) Particle deposition in the paranasal sinuses following functional endoscopic sinus surgery, Computers in Biology and Medicine
  6. Tao, Y., Inthavong, K., Tu, J., (2020) Vortex structures, and wake flow analysis from moving manikin models. Indoor Built Environment
  7. Tao, Y., Inthavong, K., Tu, J., (2020) Indoor particle inhalability of a stationary and moving manikin. Building Environment

  1. Inthavong, K., (2019) A unifying correlation for laminar particle deposition in 90-degree pipe bends. Powder Technology 345:99-110
  2. Calmet, H., Inthavong, K., Eguzkitza, B., Lehmkuh, O., Houzeaux, G., Vazquez, M. (2019) Nasal sprayed particle deposition in a human nasal cavity. under different inhalation conditions. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0221330.
  3. Dong, J., Shang, Y., Tian, L., Inthavong, K., Qiu, D., Tu, J. (2019) Ultrafine particle deposition in a realistic human airway at multiple inhalation scenarios International Journal for Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering org/10.1002/cnm.3215
  4. Dong, J., Ma, J., Tian, L., Inthavong, K., Tu, J. (2019) Inhalation exposure analysis of lung-inhalable particles in an approximate rat central airway. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
  5. Shang, Y., Dong, J., Tian, L., Inthavong, K., Tu, JY. (2019) Detailed computational analysis of flow dynamics in an extended respiratory airway model Clinical Biomechanics 61 pp.105-111
  6. Shang, Y., Inthavong, K., Tu, J. (2019) Development of a CFD Model for Mucociliary Clearance , Journal of Biomechanics 85:74-83
  7. Shang, Y., Inthavong, K. (2019) Numerical assessment of ambient inhaled micron particle deposition in a human nasal cavity. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flows 1(2):109–115
  8. Sui, J., Johnston, J., Pontre, B., Inthavong, K., Douglas, R. (2019) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluation of the distribution of spray and irrigation devices within the sinonasal cavities. International Forum of Allergy & Rhinology
  9. Tao, Y., Yang, W., Inthavong, K., (2019) Computational fluid dynamics investigation of particle inhalability for nasal breathing by a moving body. Experimental and Computational Multiphase Flows org/10.1007/s42757-019-0014-1
  10. Talebizadehsardari, P., Rahimzadeh, H., Ahmadi, G., Moghimi, M.A., Inthavong, K., Esapour, M. (2019) Nano-particle deposition in axisymmetric annular pipes with thread, Particulate Science and Technology 1-9.
  11. Tian, L., Shang, Y., Chen, R., Bai, R., Chen, C., Inthavong, K., Tu, JY (2019) Correlation of Regional Deposition Dosage for Inhaled Nanoparticles in Human and Rat Olfactory, Particle and Fibre Toxicology 16:6
  12. Ya, Z., Shang, Y., Inthavong, K., Tong, Z., Sun, B., Zhu, K., Yu, A., Zheng, G. (2019). Computational investigation of dust mite allergens in a realistic human nasal cavity, Inhalation Toxicology: 1-12


Kiao Inthavong

Kiao Inthavong

Associate Professor

Sara Vahaji

Sara Vahaji

Senior Lecturer

Patrick Warfield-Macalpine

Patrick Warfield-Macalpine

PhD Candidate

Computational modelling for improving patient outcomes in surgery

Brenda Vara Amirall

Brenda Vara Amirall

PhD Candidate

Multi-Phase Flow Applications in the Airways

James Van Strien

James Van Strien

PhD Candidate

Experimental characterisation of nasal spray atomisation

Jake Emmerling

Jake Emmerling

PhD Candidate

Drug delivery targeting laryngeal and sub-glottic stenosis

Matthew Cook

Matthew Cook

PhD Candidate

Liquids, droplets, and powders as carriers for nasal drug delivery

Mehdi Talukder

Mehdi Talukder

PhD Candidate

New mouthpiece for drug delivery enhancement

Shuyao Zhan

Shuyao Zhan

PhD Candidate

Spray particle impingement and mucosal clearance rates in drug delivery

Hi, and thanks for visiting our profiles. CFDResearch applies computational modelling to solve industry problems.

If you’re interested in learning more about the research, or working with us, contact me, (Kiao Inthavong).

RMIT Scholarships to undertake research with us. Please visit for information on how to apply. More information is given in a ppt download here . Scholarships are aligned with pre-defined projects. Please select projects from: which include:

  • Next generation respiratory drug delivery devices
  • Advanced exploration of the human nasal anatomy, function and physiology
  • Computational and Experimental Studies of Targeted Nasal Drug Delivery
  • Advanced, Targeted Nasal Drug Delivery
  • Inhalation particle exposure in the indoor built environment


Past Members, and Visitors

Dr Hana Salati

Dr Hana Salati

Research Fellow (2019-2023)

Mongkol Kaewbumrung

Mongkol Kaewbumrung

Visiting Lecturer (2023)

Humidity transport affecting ancient murals in Thailand temples

Dr Kendra Shrestha

Dr Kendra Shrestha

PhD Candidate (2018-2022)

Computational Multi-Phase Flow for Targeted Nasal Drug Delivery

Dr Worapol Thansopa

Dr Worapol Thansopa

Visiting Student (2023)

CFD modelling of ultrasonic cavitation. PhD studies from King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang, Thailand

Dr Mehrdad Khamooshi

Dr Mehrdad Khamooshi

Research Fellow (2020-2022)

CFD modelling of nasal irrigation and drug delivery

Dean, Prof Kazuhide Ito

Dean, Prof Kazuhide Ito

Visiting Academic (2020)

CFD modelling of indoor built environment

Completed Postgraduate Thesis


cfdresearch - where you get a PhD and do some running

Our first group race - MS Run 28th August 2022, Flemington, VIC.

Our second group race - Great Ocean Road Marathon  21st May 2023, Lorne to Apollo Bay, VIC.

Well done Brenda, Joey, and Kiao on the run. Great work everyone!

Our 3rd group race - Melbourne Marathon 2023, VIC. Well done Brenda, and Kiao (2:48 PB) on the run.

Our 4th group race - Melbourne Marathon 2024, VIC. Well done Kiao (2:51) on the run.